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Neither Steve Jobs nor Tim Cook, the exclusive Apple product that only has one person in the entire company

Neither Steve Jobs nor Tim Cook, the exclusive Apple product that only has one person in the entire company

Working in a company for many years is, without a doubt, an important milestone in a professional career. Demonstrates perseverance, commitment and ability to adapt. But, can you imagine being in the same company for more than four decades? That is something that very few achieve.

However, there is one person who has achieved this milestone by far, someone who has been present at the company’s most crucial moments. One of those lucky few is Chris Espinosaa true Apple veteran.

He started in the company at the incredible age of 14a teenager passionate about technology who ended up becoming one of the first employees. He joined when the apple brand was still in its early stages in the technological world.

Espinosa has lived through the entire evolution of the company, from its beginnings, through the era of Michael Scott (Apple’s first official CEO), the stormy stage of Gil Ameliothe triumphant return of Steve Jobs and the consolidation with Tim Cook.

The exclusive award that only one Apple employee has achieved

The curious thing is that, despite his long career and having worked under the direction of some of the most influential leaders, Espinosa has something that not even Steve Jobs or Tim Cook have: an exclusive prize for having fulfilled more than 40 years in the company.

This is a special award, a recognition reserved only for those who have dedicated a large part of their lives to the company. And so far, Chris is the only one who has received it. It is a stainless steel platedesigned with a level of detail and precision that only Apple could offer.

It is not just any product; The company spent more than two years of research and development to perfect the design. In fact, it is a solid block of shiny black steel polished in an advanced process.


It should be noted that this type of recognition was introduced by Apple in 2018, to honor the employees who have worked 10, 20, 30 and 40 years. However, Espinosa’s award stands out for being completely unique and special in the company’s history.

Few can boast of having been part of Apple for so long, and even fewer of having witnessed its evolution from its beginnings to becoming one of the most valuable and recognized companies in the world.

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Tags: Steve Jobs, Tim Cook

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