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Has Google become too boring?

Has Google become too boring?

There was a time when each new version of Android was a party with desserts, figurines or ‘easter eggs’, but those times already seem part of a very distant past… Don’t you think?

Gone are those times of celebration at Googleplex every time a version of Android was released

Reading it this way, perhaps the headline came out too generic regarding Google. And yet, I wanted to keep it because precisely, 15 years after starting to use Android phones and 14 years after starting my career as an editor in technological media, that’s what I thought, also verbatimwhile I wrote a couple of days ago about the leak about the dessert that will give its name to Android 16 in the next year 2025.

Far behind are those years 2008-2009, when I tested an HTC Dream G1 and I ended up buying an HTC Magic who enjoyed at that time Android 1.5 Cupcakewhich was actually the first version that we can consider stable of Android, as well as the one that made Google explain that to us. internal tradition of associating development versions of the mobile platform with names of desserts always in alphabetical order.

In fact, although this article is making me feel a little old manthe truth is that it is worth remembering how Every launch of a new version of Android was a party at Googleplexwith previous leaks for weeks about the chosen dessert, collaborations even with brands like Android 4.4 KitKatwhich brought us several promotions with countless gifts, as well as camouflaged figures strolling along Charleston Road in Mountain View to prevent us all from knowing which candy Google would choose ahead of time.

Not only that, and it is also that one lived a celebration with the publication of the ‘Easter Eggs’ of each version, even adding enjoyable mini-games, and even los stands of Google at the big fairs were a real marvellike the Android Land of 2012 in Barcelona with its slides, robots making Android ice cream or crane games in which we can win an android doll.

General image of the Android ‘stand’ at MWC 2012, with its slide, its robots and everything

Gone are those times of parties at Googleplex, when the figures in Mountain View were jealously hidden and camouflaged so that no one would know ahead of time which dessert would give its name to the next version of Android.

Even I miss those Android distribution reports a little that Google published every month, and of which we were left orphaned in 2019 without any replacement, at least not outside the graphics for developers that are available on Google Play if we have an account developer.

It is true that Google was hurt a little by fragmentation and the distribution problems of the latest versions, but the fact is that It was really fun to comment and evaluate how Android was evolving over time, explaining to users the problems posed by such open platforms and devices like a CD radio with Android that will surely remain stuck forever in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

All that is now a thing of the past, hence my thought that Google has become a bit boringmore ossified and much more concerned about what the general public thinksfor opinions and comparisons, and not so much for offering us fun in any way.

Could be a maturity problem of the platform itselfand we ourselves have even stopped making comparisons with iOS just now that Apple is copying precisely the most important thing that Android has always offered, which is nothing other than maximum customization seeking to ensure that there are no two Android devices with the same interfaces.

In 2025 it is true that Android is a very mature platform, even copied by Apple in some of its strongest points such as customization, but that does not mean that the most Android fans stop feeling orphaned by celebrations, desserts and of occurrences by Google.

In 2009, Google presented the improvements of Android 2.0 Eclair with a hilarious video

The only certain thing is that Google no longer offers statisticsthere are no parties at Googleplex with the Android dessert figures and even the ‘Easter Eggs’, which in their case are still present, now they are less interactive and thematicmore boring in essence.

And the last straw that fills this camel’s back because it has shown precisely Android 16 ‘Baklava’which restarts the alphabet and candy without pain or glory, staging the important internal changes in the development of Android but leaving us forever without Waflessin chocolatesin Yogurt o there Lemon roll. And yes, Android 15 has reached the “V” with its flavor of ‘Vanilla Ice Cream’but in 2025 we will see how the ‘Baklava’a typical sweet of Turkish origin, arrives without excessive publicity and seen only in code chains which seem very cold to us.

Why Google, why get older…? If we want you to cheer us up again with hidden occurrences, desserts and mini-games!

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