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Cardiologist reveals his exercise routine for a healthier heart

Cardiologist Reveals His Exercise Routine For A Healthier Heart

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It can be difficult to find the drive to work out, but that’s only the first step. The variety of alternatives available, ranging from hot yoga to intense workouts, might make selecting the perfect activities difficult. Which type of exercise is best for your heart: strength training or cardio? What is the recommended frequency and duration of exercise each week?

Exercise is crucial for heart health even though it’s frequently associated with weight loss and muscular tone. What therefore do cardiologists do to maintain the health of their hearts? To find out, Newsweek spoke with New York University Langone Hospital’s Dr. Shaleen Rao.

“I am not an athlete or a natural athlete. I consider it part of preventive health. I advise people to exercise and eat healthy. I want to live by my own advice. It is not easy or natural for me, but I feel I can see the improvement in my strength,” said Rao, a heart failure expert.

So what does an average week look like for Rao? “I work out three to four hours a week at a local gym class, which includes 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight lifting.”

She added: “I need the motivation of others and the energy of a coach to keep me committed. Sometimes I take a yoga class with my family and I have a group of moms in my neighbourhood who join me for brisk walks. I love combining social time with sport, so I often try to include friends and family in my exercise routine – it’s all for the heart benefits.”

While you don’t have to exercise every day, avoid cramming all your workouts into the weekends, according to Shaline Rao. According to the health professional, exercising is good for your health. The recommendation is 150 minutes a week, but there is a higher risk of injury when you exercise vigorously on the weekend but don’t have time to train during the week.

“Any exercise has been shown to improve cardiovascular outcomes, but when possible, spreading out the time is best for building endurance. Weekend warriors still get some benefit, but it helps if they start with a basic level of fitness,” he said.

Finding a combination of aerobic exercise, strength training, and stability and flexibility training provides the best combination for heart health and overall fitness.


The doctor’s recommendations are as follows:

Aerobic exercise: 30 minutes of aerobic exercise five days a week is a good goal to aim for. Aerobic exercise includes activities that get your heart pumping, such as running, swimming, dancing, or rowing.

Strength/Endurance Training: A good rule of thumb for resistance training is to include this effort at least two non-consecutive days per week.

Flexibility/Stability – Flexibility exercises, like stretching, do not directly contribute to heart health. What they do do is benefit musculoskeletal health, allowing you to stay flexible and free of joint pain, cramps, and other muscle problems. That flexibility is a critical part of being able to maintain aerobic exercise and resistance training, so it’s important to include this before and after workouts to protect your ability to maintain exercise.

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